FCS College Planning Chronology
Grade 9
Personal & Academic Growth
- Transition to high school
- Develop time management and study skills
- Explore extracurricular interests
- Course selection
Grade 10
Personal & Academic Growth
- Solidify academic skills
- Deepen extracurricular involvements
- PSAT in October (optional)
- Course selection
- SAT subject tests (for some)
Grade 11
Personal & Academic Growth
- Deepen academic interests
- Develop leadership skills
- Standardized testing
- (PSAT/SAT/ACT) consider test prep class or tutoring
- Self reflection and college search Begin individual meetings with FCS college counselor in January
- College visits (long weekends and spring break)
- Develop College List
- Summer - college visits/essay writing/initial application work
Grade 12
Personal & Academic Growth
- Deepen academic interests
- Assume leadership roles
- Independent inquiry (Senior Project)
College Preparation & Search
- Complete standardized testing
- Finalize applications and essays
- Apply to colleges
- Sept/Oct/Nov - rollling and early applications
- Jan - all remaining applications
- Apply for financial aid (Feb)
- Enrollment decision (May 1)