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friends central school

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Upper School Curriculum


Friends’ Central’s Upper School curriculum provides students an exceptional college preparatory program in an atmosphere that sets the highest of academic and personal standards. The environment is one in which students are encouraged to find their own voices and pursue their own intellectual, spiritual, and ethical passions. They listen carefully to and respect the opinions of others, and collaborate in group problem-solving efforts, all of which promote independent thought, the courage to voice their opinions, and the faith that these opinions will be valued.

2024-2025 Curriculum Planner


World Languages





Non-Departmental Electives

Athletics & Wellness

Core Teams

Natural Lands Biodiversity

May Term

A transcript is a representation of a student’s academic record while at Friends’ Central School. You may need a transcript for a number of purposes, i.e colleges, employment etc.  Be sure to confirm with whoever is requesting your transcript whether you need an official transcript or if an unofficial transcript will suffice. FCS encourages you to request electronic (unofficial) transcripts whenever possible for the most efficient service, as long as such a transcript is acceptable for your purposes.

Request a Transcript