Danielle St. Hilaire , Department Chair
The Friends’ Central History Department believes that our students’ appreciation of historical context is central to their understanding of the world around them. To study history is to explore the human experience: the ways diverse peoples have differed in their ideas, institutions and cultural practices, the ways experiences vary by period, nationality, and social circumstances, and the ways people(s) have struggled with each other. We ask our students to make connections between the past and the world they now inhabit and to ponder the question – How did we get this way?
All Upper School students take Religions and Revolutions in grade 9 and U.S. History in grade 11. Beginning in grade 11, students have the opportunity to take advanced history courses. Advanced U.S. history students complete a semester-long capstone, primary source-based piece of original research. Most students also take Contemporary Global History in grade 10, and virtually all take a history elective in grade 12. See below for a listing of our broad range of electives. Our history courses emphasize the analysis of primary sources in the development of critical thinking and original argument.
Interested students may also join clubs such as Model United Nations, History Bowl, World Affairs Council, the Debate Team, and Mock Trial, where knowledge and a deep understanding of the origins of current events is essential.
History Elective Courses
(most are open to grade 11, and all are open to grade 12)
With the exception of Modern European History Seminar Advanced, all history electives are one semester long. To take an advanced history course, students’ performance in previous history courses (especially grade 11) will be considered, along with an in-class writing exercise and departmental approval. Rarely are grade 11 students eligible.
- Modern European History Seminar Advanced (Full year)
- Constitutional Identity Advanced (Fall semester)
- Creating Africa Advanced: European Racism, the Diaspora, Colonialism and Identity (Fall semester)
- Intro to Philosophy: the Good, the True, and the Beautiful (Fall semester)
- International Relations (Fall semester)
- Philadelphia Black History from Reconstruction to Present (Fall semester)
- Capitalism and Consumption: "Getting and Spending" (Spring semester)
- The Sociological Imaginations: Race, Class & Gender in an Unequal World (Spring semester)
- Modern Africa Advanced (Spring semester)
- Modern Chinese History (Spring semester)
- International Relations Advanced (Spring semester)
- Women's History in the United States (Not offered in 2024-2025)