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friends central school

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Campaigns & Endowment
Endowed gifts are made to Friends' Central School and invested to produce ongoing income. Often, these gifts are made to create funds that will support a School priority, like financial aid or faculty support, in perpetuity. The School’s endowment is carefully overseen by the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees. Each year, about 5% of a rolling three-year average is used by the School to support faculty, students, and programs. Many generous and loyal friends of the School have established endowed funds at Friends' Central School.

Depending on the wishes of the donors, endowed gifts are earmarked as unrestricted or restricted. Restricted gifts may be used to support financial aid, faculty salaries, professional development, or another area of the donor's interest. They may be named after the donor or in memory or honor of someone of the donor's choosing.

If you are interested in creating an endowment, or supporting an existing fund at Friends’ Central School, please contact the Colette Kleitz at 610-645-5076.